EASY WANDERLINGS | Soul pop and indie folk band
EASY WANDERLINGS | Soul pop and indie folk band
To stay connected with our listeners and to keep the Wanderling Spirit dynamic, we invite you to share your favorite Wanderling Moments on social media using #iWandereasy. Not quite sure what a wanderling moment is?
It could be,
. Road tripping to nowhere in particular
. Getting lost intentionally in a jungle
. Making a new friend
. Walking the Inca trail
. Getting a cuddly pet
. Discovering a new hobby
. Demystifying bizarre foods
. Lounging on a river bank / beach / seaside
. Pitter-pattering with the rains or
. Kissing under the stars (cliché, still counts though)
Every month we will showcase our favorite ones from what you've shared on our website.
Artwork: Vaibhav Singh